Keeping our Promise to the Children

These are short moments from our first evening of Christmas parties. Each of the 1600+ children that Citychurch provides Christmas gifts for are invited to come to a party where the children can make a good holiday memory with their families.

Please pray for Citychurch as we get closer to Christmas.

It was a big change for the families who normally would sign their children up to receive a gift from Toys for Tots. Normally, to pick up their gifts, they would simply drive to the pick-up location and volunteers would load up their gifts in the trunk of their car and they would simply drive away. I understand why, for the parent, they might want to keep things simple and easy. I can also understand why non-profits seem to gravitate to the easiest logistical way to distribute food, clothes and whatever else they might be trying to give a family. You might know by now that Citychurch has decided, as we distribute the gifts to the families, which includes their Toys for Tots gifts, to go one step further. We’ve ask the families to join us for a short, but beautiful Christmas party that will help each family make a sweet memory and give us an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with them.

Last week, we hosted our first two parties. Families were invited to RSVP for the party they wanted to go to by visiting our website. We scheduled a total of six parties at different times and days to accommodate our families' different schedules. This month, we are hosting over 450 families.

Please pray for Citychurch this evening as we host our next two parties. One will be at 5:00pm and the second at 7:00pm. Each of these events will have over 300 guest in attendance. We’ve never attempted a logistical challenge this big at Citychurch. We’re asking the Lord to not only give us the wisdom and the strength we need to be successful, but also to prepare the hearts of those who will attend so they can have an opportunity to know the Lord personally.

We have much to share with you and we look forward to upcoming weeks when things will slow down a bit and give us an opportunity to share with you all that God has done. In the meantime, we will continue to keep our promise to the children and put your gifts of support to work where they are needed most.


We’re losing their minds.


The Importance of Discipleship